Engine and transmission |
Engine Type |
Electric |
vs |
3.5% Scooters have electric
Gear box |
Automatic |
vs |
35.5% Scooters have Automatic
Power |
vs |
12.13 HP lower than average. The power of the scooter is measured in HP or KW. The more power the scooter has the faster it can travel. |
Torque |
vs |
8.72 Nm lower than average. Torque is a measure of the turning power of the engine. A higher torque means faster acceleration. |
Power-to-weight ratio |
0.02 KW/lbs (60.00 lbs/HP)
vs |
0.05 KW/lbs lower than average. A calculation of horsepower divided by weight. The higher the ratio the more power there is per lb, which means a faster scooter. |
Throttle |
Ride By Wire |
Engine mounting |
Transverse |
vs |
90.6% Scooters have Transverse
Most scooter engines are transverse mounted. |
Starter |
Electric |
Electric starters have a push button, or use a key turn to get the engine started. |
Cooling system |
Water Cooled |
vs |
45.9% Scooters have Water cooled
Fuel capacity |
vs |
1.45 gals lower than average. |